SCOPE Homeschool Group SCOPE Homeschool Group

Scope Annual Curriculum Sale

Date – Time

April 26, 2024 – 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM


North Clay Baptist Church
7476 Clayton Rd
Pinson, AL

Additional Information

Questions can be directed to Tabitha Hanner (by TEXT please) at 205-873-0474 or look me up on Facebook Messenger.


Label with your name, a description of the item and price. Grade and/or subject is helpful too. This can be done on a index card (ideal) or other slip of paper (envelope, sticky note, printer paper). Make sure it’s something that can be * easily removed *. Don’t use sticker labels and don’t tape down all four sides. We will remove labels at checkout.
If you are willing to accept Venmo, you can write “Venmo OK” on your labels but please do NOT attach your Venmo barcode to each item!!  We want people to complete Venmo payment at the checkout desk in front of a volunteer. Provide a printout of your Venmo barcode at the checkout desk when you drop off your items. (You are able to print your Venmo barcoad from your app.  If you don't have the means to do that, contact me BEFORE THE SALE and I will do it for you.  I will not be able to do it at the sale).  Venmo is the only app payment we will accept.

You can bundle things with rubber bands or large ziploc bags. Please make sure multi-items that are being sold together are bundled in some way.

If you would like to provide change to put in your seller envelope so that we can make change for your sold items you can do that.  We will only being making change out of each sellers’ envelope so having some ones and fives to start with will help us make sure we have enough change.

If you are willing to accept personal checks you can write that on your items or let us know at the checkout table and we will note it on your seller envelope.

Aside from grade level tables, we will also have spaces for games/puzzles, picture books, readers and high school interest level novels, Bible studies/devotional, “parent helps”, and a FREE section.  If it's related to homeschooling and you can get it to us, we will put it in the sale!  (desks, whiteboards, easels, etc)

SELLERS YOU MAY DROP OFF between 8 and 9am.

You are responsible for putting your items out. (There will be volunteers to help but you cannot just drop your boxes of books and leave.)  The sale ends at 2pm and we need all sellers there by 2 to pick up but you may come by to start collecting your materials as early as 1:30 if you wish.



-SHOP the sale from 9am to 2pm. (Please, no earlier than 9am for shopping because sellers will be placing out items from 8am-9am.) Sale runs until 2pm but sellers may start collecting their items as early as 1:30 so don't wait too late!


Bring small bills. We will make every effort to make change but it would be a good idea to bring a lot of $1s and $5s for smaller items. (And even quarters!)

***Some sellers may accept Venmo but there is no guarantee that all sellers will.***

**Some sellers may accept checks but that's up to the individual seller and will be noted on their items. As a general rule, we do not accept checks.**

-BRING BAGS! You'll need your own shopping bags to haul home all the goodies you're going to get!


Tell your friends!  You can print the PDF below to pass out to your homeschool groups and hang up at your church, co-op, library, etc.  (see "Book Sale Flier" link below)

We also have a Facebook Event page you can share if you're on Facebook.  The link to that is here: